Thursday, June 5, 2014

T-shirt fundraiser

We have been blessed with the most amazing family! They're all doing what they can do to help with Easton! We recently found out Easton will need extensive genetic testing to find a diagnosis for his cone and rod dystrophy. We need his diagnosis so we can properly plan for his future! Insurance has denied our attempt to file a claim because they deemed it unnecessary to help his health. Since Easton's eye disease is  a rare thing he'll need the maximum possible genetic testing done. Along with Easton, Ronnie and. I also must also receive testing. This will also be out of our pocket and is crucial to his diagnosis.  Testing is extremely expensive because it's such a long process.We've already spent hundreds of dollars on surgeries and numerous hospital stays. We also have to travel out of state because we don't have the resources needed in Louisiana to treat Easton. This has caused bills to pile up and has stretched us thin. Ronnie works out of town as much as possible and has sacrificed going to a lot of visits to work so we have money to make things work! Easton usually has about 4 doctors appointments a week which doesn't leave me much time to work. We've been fortunate to have made it this far own our on. Easton's Aunt and Uncle have designed and set up a t-shirt fundraiser with the option to donate! This will help cover genetic testing. We appreciate all the overwhelming love ad support we've experienced! It gives me hope!! Below is a link to the site if you're interested in helping!

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